What versions of the Buckaroo Banzai Comic Book Script are there?

The script for the proposed TV series Buckaroo Banzai : Ancient Secrets and New Mysteries was used as the basis for the Return of the Screw comicbook.

The main thing that had to be done was to format the script to the layout needed for a comic book, i.e. breaking up the story and action into three parts for three issues.

The only exception to this is when, in the third revision of the comic book script, the ending takes a radical change from the one scripted for TV even though the story itself doesn't change much as a result. The revised ending mostly serves to modify things from "to be continued" to "so ends another adventure" more or less.

The following are the four known revisions to the Return of the Screw comic book script.

BuckarooBanzai (1/15/05)

BuckarooBanzai2 (1/16/05)

BuckarooBanzaiREVISED (3/12/05)

BuckarooBanzaiFinalPLOT" (3/16/05)

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This page was last updated on June 10th, 2016.
Maintained by Sean Murphy [figment@figmentfly.com]